Monday, July 27, 2009

Hello from lovely CA

Hello Bloggers,
This is the first time I've been able to get on a computer since I arrived in wonderful southern California. So far it's been amazing. BBQ's with my whole family, the beach, Hollywood, Malibu, and who knows what crazy adventures the rest of my visit will bring.
Pictures and details to come.
Good night world,

Thursday, July 23, 2009

One more thing.......

Happy Birthday to my now 17 year old baby brother, Connor!

He is my hero, one of my best friends, and drives me insane...

but I love him so much!

He will always be my brother who pooped in the bathtub when we were babies together. A favorite memory for us both :)

We Got More Bounce in California

Orientation was bullshit. So awful I don't even wanna blog about it.

California in the morninggg. A much needed break from it all. One last hoo-rah before school starts up again.

Since I might not be blogging much while I'm gone, don't miss me too much darlings. I'll bring back lots of pictures :)


Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Life Update.

The next few weeks are going to be craaaazzzzzyyyy.

Tomorrow: Orientation in Boulder. (eeek!)
Friday: Fly to California
Sunday: BBQ with the family
Rest of the week: FUN FUN FUN
-Birthday celebration
-More Beach
-Hurricane Harbor
Friday the 31st: Fly home to Colorado
August 1st: Move into my new apartment!
August 24th: 1st day of school at CU. (more eeek!)

Its about to get crazy up in hur. But a good way to start off my 20's. :)

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Happy Birthday to ME!
So very thankful for my 20 years of life.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Someone was watching over.

This morning 3 of my best friends were in a car accident driving from Colorado to California. The car rolled, and is totaled. By some miracle of God, they all ended up ok.

I could have been in the car with them. I was planning on driving back to CA with them.

How does this happen? How do 3 boys fall asleep at the wheel, roll the car, and survive with maybe a couple of scratches? It's times like these when my pessimistic self disappears because I don't see this as a "they almost died" situation. I see it as a "someone was watching over them" situation. And someone was. Someone had to be. That kind of thing doesn't just happen.

Ridiculous times like these can really test your faith. And in my case, it usually confirms it. When my grandpa died, I was completely reassured and at peace with his death because I was shown that God was there. And just today, my 3 best friends LIVED thanks to Him.

This is not a girl who lives her life by religion. I don't always pray, I don't make myself read the Bible every night before bed, I stopped going to church years ago. But there is one thing I can tell you. One thing I am SURE of. Someone is watching over us. Each trial and tribulation concerning life proves that to me. I have yet to be faced with a death or near-death experience that hasn't led me to a stronger belief in God and afterlife and faith.

One more thing: life is too short. You never think it could happen to you, and it can. So we should all start living like we mean it. Tell everyone we love that we love them. Have fun while you can, and live the precious life you've been given to its absolute fullest.

Contemplating 20 Part 2.

This is the last day of my teenage years. The very last day I can ever call myself a teenager. I think 20 is more of an adult than 18. Tomorrow it starts. My 20's. The real world. More responsibility, less I'm able to get away with.

Am I sad? A little.
Am I looking forward to my 20's? Hell yeah.

It's bittersweet, ya know? It's literally the end of an era. But also the beginning of another, very different one. Most people my age are already 20 and it doesn't seem like a big deal, but it does feel different to me. Like when I turned 10 and I cried because I would never be "single digits" ever again. Will I cry tomorrow? Probably not, but I will definitely feel nostalgic.

Roaring 20's here I come!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Feelings of the day thus far:

My teens will officially end the day after tomorrow.
I am babysitting right now.
The computer I am on has a screen bigger than any TV in my house.
I really want to go stay somewhere out of town for the night for my birthday.
I hate anxiety for no reason.
I'm really glad these kids dad owns a restaurant because there is nothing like getting a free meal on him :)
I prolly shouldnt be on this computer.
Every time I stand up I get a headache.
I think I need anxiety mediation.
I need more people I actually KNOW on twitter.
"The Shins" are an amazing band.

Friday, July 17, 2009


I dont even want to talk about it.
I'll just say that its not working out for me at this time in my life.
I'm only young for so much longer and I dont want to sacrifice any more of my youth for this unhappiness.

Taking a break from this "weight loss" journey, because I dont need it bad enough for this.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Death Cab For Cutie

(From left to right: Alex, Chad, Me, Tyler, Jill
at Red Rocks Amphitheater in Colorado, the most beautiful venue in the world)

The concert was AMAZING.
Good friends, good music, beautiful arena...
could you ask for a more perfect setting for an incredible night?
(apart from me getting sick from asthma and the altitude and having to get a liter of fluids pumped into my body by the paramedics through an IV of course...)

Death Cab For Cutie is just as good live
as they are on their albums
and to me that is REAL talent.
They were awesome.

(Death Cab during "Title and Registration")

Monday, July 13, 2009

Things To Look Forward to in the near future:

1. Death Cab For Cutie concert on Tuesday
2. Water World on Thursday
3. Birthday on the 21st
4. Orientation on the 23rd
5. California on the 24th and all that comes with it
6. Apartment on August 1st
7. School starting on August 24th
8. Cousin's wedding in NY in September

Still Looking To Be Inspired :)

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Feelings of the day.

All I feel like doing is curling up in bed and watching Scrubs for the rest of the night.
Wake up early every morning.
Babysitting everyday.
Rain every afternoon.
Tired every night.

I'm on the verge of really letting go.
It's almost too late.

I need to get out of this house.
It's no longer a good environment.

My positive attitude is wearing thin.
I'm getting anxious.
I'm getting sad.
I'm getting paranoid.
I'm getting annoyed.
I'm getting nervous.
But mostly anxious. Almost all the time.

Haven't had a good night's sleep in a while.
Sleep for 8 hours means nothing if you don't sleep well.
Maybe a good night will do me good.

I need California.

Friday, July 10, 2009


This Weight Watchers experience is annoying the hell out of me. As if it's not hard enough to not eat whatever I want, whenever I want, it really isn't paying off.

In the last 2 weeks I have lost a total of ZERO pounds, and gained a total of .8 pounds. It may not seem like a lot, but by this time last summer I had already lost 10 pounds and right now I have only lost 4.4 thanks to my gain this week.

I am completely frustrated. I am doing everything right and not much different from last summer but for some reason, my body is holding on to absolutely every ounce of fat it can.

It's really really discouraging and unmotivating when I am excersizing a hell of a lot of self control in order to lose this weight and it isn't doing anything. I am sacrificing things I like in order to lose weight, when I could be just eating freely and sitting on my ass all day, and its not paying off.

So what more do I do? All I want to do is give up and go eat an entire pizza by myself.

Thursday, July 9, 2009


Beautiful Lyrics. A timeless song sung by many artists through the years. Now seems extremely powerful to me after hearing Jermaine Jackson sing it for Michael Jackson's memorial.

Smile though your heart is aching
Smile even though its breaking
When there are clouds in the sky, you'll get by
If you smile through your fear and sorrow
Smile and maybe tomorrow
You'll see the sun come shining through for you

Light up your face with gladness
Hide every trace of sadness
Although a tear may be ever so near
That's the time you must keep on trying
Smile, whats the use of crying?
You'll find that life is still worthwhile
If you just smile

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

If the Dr.'s office is rude......

Does it seem to anyone else that every time you call the doctor's office to make an appointment you get the 3rd degree and the secretary is rude? What is with that? Do they hate their job so much that innocent patients who might very well be having a serious problem end up embarrassed after hanging up?

My family has already left one doctor's office back in California due to a rude secretary. This is how my conversation the other day with the doctor's office went:

*ring ring*

Dr-"This is Shannon."
-Uhh, hi! Can I make an appointment with Dr. Tetor?
Dr-"For what."
-Umm...well, I'm kind of...having a problem.
Dr-"Oooooookay. What is the problem?"
-I need an appointment.
-Either today or tomorrow?
Dr-"Let me openings. Call back later."
-Ok......will there be openings later?
Dr-"I don't know."



Today, this is how it went.

*ring ring*

Dr-"This is Shannon."
-I need an appointment with Dr. Tetor.
Dr-"For what."
-UMMMM, PERSONAL? (in my best attitude ever)
Dr-"Oh, well the reason why we ask is because blah blah blah"
-Ok, well it's generally personal then.
Dr-"Ok, hun! Whats your name? Does 10:00 work?"

Wow, talk about an attitude change when I put her back in place! Sucker.
Moral of the story is, if the doctor's office is rude to you, be rude back. And don't let them make you feel like shit on the phone. It is NOT the secretary's business what you need an appointment for. :)

Monday, July 6, 2009

The Nanny

Whew! Babysitting all day takes the wind right out of me! Being a nanny is probably the most exhausting job EVER. Kid's have way too much energy for their own good!

I babysat for 2 (different) little boys today, one 4 and one 14 months. We played at the park for a few hours with my best friend Jill who I gave my other nannying job to for the day, with the twin boys. So they all played and wore themselves out, and wore me out too!

I just keep reminding myself how much I adore kids, and how much worse a summer job could be. I get paid a lot, I'm always entertained, and it's perfect.

Tomorrow: Back to the twins (I missed them today) and taking them to the pool! Another exhausting day on the horizon so I'm planning on falling asleep right after the bachelorette. It's going to be great.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

4th of July

Especially in the last 8 years, I haven't felt very patriotic on the 4th of July. I've pretty much always seen it as a day where people get together for BBQ's and drink and light fireworks off for no apparent reason.

Last year, I actually was staring at some fireworks, kinda mesmerized by them. It's special because it's an experience you only get once a year. It's not something you see or do everyday, and I really love taking that in. Everyone in this country is doing the same thing at the same time, basically coming together (for whatever purpose, whether it be for the country or not) and that is a beautiful thing. It's very rare that people join together in celebration, and whether you are patriotic or not, this coming together for one night in celebration is a truly special and beautiful thing.

I have had 2 Grandfathers fight for this country's honor, and if there is one thing I can count on, it's that my dad will ALWAYS recognize that and hang his fathers American Flag outside our home.

I'm disappointed that it happens to be pouring rain in Parker, Colorado right now, but I hope it stops in time for the festivities to begin.

I am so proud of this country this year. Some people may disagree with me, but I think we are heading in such a better direction than we have been, and for me, that's what I'll be celebrating this year. Overcoming obstacles and looking forward to reaching the potential this country has.

We are lucky enough to have a country worth celebrating, and to have something to celebrate once a year. So, whatever you choose to celebrate this 4th of July, freedom, liberty, beer? at least we can acknowledge the coming together of people everywhere and THAT is what makes this country amazing.

We don't all have to be celebrating the same thing, but we sure as hell are all celebrating.

Friday, July 3, 2009

My Sister's Keeper

I read "My Sister's Keeper" by Jodi Picoult in 24 hours at the beginning of this summer. I had been wanting to read it for a while because from the first page it was intriguing. Such an interesting and unique topic, I wondered, how does someone have the creative capacity to come up with such a controversial topic?

The book lived up to it's expectations. Twists and turns and surprises and I never lost interest once. I was so excited when I heard they were making it into a movie, I could hardly wait till it came out.

I saw the movie tonight with my mother who has also read the book, twice. It started off a lot like the book. Same story line, same format, almost the same dialogue even. We both found ourselves crying like babies because we knew what was going to happen, and plus the topic is so sad how can you NOT cry?

***If you haven't read the book/seen the movie, there may be spoilers below***

At the exact same moment, my mother and I both stopped dead in our tears, in shock. They changed the entire ending of the book. Not only did the story change in it's entirety, it sent a completely different message. It no longer captured the theme of the book, the meaning of life vs death (I guess in a way it did, but in a completely DIFFERENT way) and the meaning and profoundness of family relationships.

It was one of the most amazing books I have ever read and I am so sad and disappointed to say that the movie did not even come CLOSE to doing it justice. Fellow readers of the book will probably agree with me, because the ending of the book WAS the story. The ending of the book was EVERYTHING. The ending of the book is the only reason for reading and loving it.

If you haven't read it, I highly recommend it. It truly is a great read. If you have seen the movie and not read the book yet, I still would suggest reading it because you will like it 10 times more than the movie.

WW again.

I don't even remember what week it is on weight watchers! I think its week 6? Anyways, last week I lost my first 5 pounds which put me at a total of 5.2 pounds lost. Not bad!

This week, I was a little worried. My parents were out of town so I was fending for myself a lot and I didn't really feel like I was doing all that well.

Turns out, I stayed exactly the same weight. I am totally happy with it because I would rather stay the same weight than gain. So, I would call this week a success, considering how I felt about it.

This week, I feel really motivated. I am going to try really hard to have a good week and lose some more weight. I'm going to stick to my diet, despite the 4th of July, try to exercise more with walking and stuff, and hopefully I will be even more happy with next week's results.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Followers of my blog!!!!

To my 4 followers that make me feel special for blogging: I am starting another blog! I'm keeping this one, of course, but I am also starting a different one where I can write different kinds of things in. This one is kind of like my personal blog where I just freely write about my day, my opinions, post personal pics and such, but my other one will be more about things like music, photography, movies, fashion, etc. I think it'll be fun! Not so serious, but more for enjoyment and interest.

It would be really sweet/cool/awesome/amazing/appreciative if the people who have been following this one could get me started on my other one and follow that one too and let me know what you think? I would love the 4 of you forever :) (even though I already do because you take interest in this one.)

Go to:

It's still a work in progress but once I get going with it, I think it will be pretty enjoyable!

LoveLoveLove you all <3