Saturday, December 31, 2011

Looking back on 2011

A Year in Review
For a long time I've thought that 2006 was my best year. It was the last full year I can remember where tons of great, life-changing things happened to me and I felt like I was at my peak (which I hope isn't true because if I peaked at 17 then that's a problem). And since then I've gone into every single year with the hope that it would be the next 2006. And when it wasn't, I became sorely disappointed and discouraged. But not this year. On December 31st, 2010 I made the decision that 2011 was going to be my year. I was determined to make it the best year ever for the sole reason that I deserved to have a really awesome year. I deserved to be happy and have good things happen to me - so if they weren't going to magically happen on their own then god damn it, I was going to take it into my own hands and MAKE them happen. And it worked, because I did. I stepped myself up on so many levels that I almost don't recognize the Chelsea from, say, 2009 (which is a really good thing, I might add).

When I wrote out last year's New Years Resolutions, I meant every word I said (except the whole working out part...don't judge) and I made it a point to remind myself of them every single day until it just became a part of my life. I said yes to WAY more things that would have been easy to say no to, tried new things, I wrote more (128 posts this year compared to last year's 104), and was more honest with myself and others (which actually felt REALLY good)...everything I wrote down, I did this year. So, for all you non-believers, new years resolutions CAN work if you are determined enough to make it happen.

In 2011 I completed my certificate in Technology, Arts, and Media, got the internship of my DREAMS at UFC, officially sold our house and moved out of my home in Colorado and spent the summer in Vegas for 3&1/2 months, met my soulmate CHELSEA DEUCES (who I give major credit to for breaking me out of my shell and my recently found confidence in myself), got to travel to Pittsburgh and Milwaukee for the internship, fell madly in love with Public Relations and made it my primary career path, saw a lot of epic concerts, met a LOT of awesome people, finished college and graduated with a degree in Communications, moved to Vegas permanently, OH and I humiliated myself/became best friends with Mark Ballas last night. All in all, it was THE most memorable year I've probably ever had and I am so thankful for every second of it.

Of course it wasn't all rainbows and sunshine - it was a lot of hard work and it came with it's awful moments too. The sudden death of my brother's best friend, Scott was the lowest point of the year. But it tested my family's strength and brought us closer. Even in the most challenging moments, you can always find the will to get through and carry on, which is something I learned this year. You don't always have to crumple when things get tough. And I think it's absolutely true what they say: What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. I'm a much stronger person after this year.

I think I realized a lot of things about myself this year. I'm stronger than I think, more capable than I give myself credit for, really hardworking when I'm doing something I enjoy, passionate about more than I knew, smarter than I believed, more anxious and stressed out than I realized (working on it), and I have a lot more room in my heart than just the small percentage I've been using. This year was about me and learning to grow as a person. And I'm proud of myself for how far I've come.

A Year in Pictures
I had some really freaking awesome, stand-out moments this year. Take a look, I've attempted to narrow it down to my pick of the best of the best.
Seeing Elton John in Concert
Best bachelorette party in the history of ever.
Brian Stann
Roy Nelson
Matt Hamill after UFC 130
Goo Goo Dolls Concert
Seeing Bruno Mars and Janelle Monae in Concert
Meeting Janelle Monae after her show
Trip to Pittsburgh
Heinz Field
22nd Birthday
Nikki Beach
Annual visit

Milwaukee Brewers Game
Last day at the internship

Great American Beer Festival
College graduation

New Years Resolutions
This year my resolutions are a little different than last year, but I plan on committing to them just the same. This year I want to find a job I like, continue writing more, and welcome all the changes in my life instead of panicking and being scared of them. I want to open up my heart more this year and see what the world has to offer me instead of being closed off to certain possibilities. I want to be more spontaneous and have fun with my life. I'm 22 years old and there's no reason why I shouldn't be stoked on taking chances and appreciating being young and reckless while I still can. Oh, and I guess I'm giving up Dr. Pepper too. That one will probably be the hardest of them all, if I'm being honest... and while we're being honest, probably will be the resolution that doesn't last past January. Oh well.

 I hope you all have a wonderful, happy, exciting New Years Eve
and an even better 2012!

Monday, December 26, 2011


It was a crazy, chaotic, hilarious Christmas this year with my family
and I wouldn't have it any other way!

My Aunt Glenna, Uncle Mark, Uncle John, Grandma Betty, and cousins Chad, Kyla, and Brianna drove to Vegas to spend Christmas at our new house. All of them, plus my parents, brother, sister, and Connor's friend, John made for a FULL house - but I loved it. We spent a lot of time playing Beatles Rockband, eating food with WAY too much butter and sugar in it, and opening presents (I got Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows pt. 2, a new pair of Vans, and a Coldplay T-shirt with my favorite lyrics on it from the best brother in the world!). I don't think you people understand how much I adore my family. Even with all our drama and craziness, there is no one I would rather spend time with.

I also decided that since I am currently unemployed and basically a free agent, I might take a little trip to California and visit them because I just can't get enough. It's only a 4 hour drive and about a half a tank of gas so I think it would be the perfect little trip. 

I hope you all had an equally wonderful holiday
and are looking forward to a brand new year!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

3 days to Christmas!!

Ok, I have been SERIOUSLY slacking with my countdown to Christmas. But in my defense, it's been utter chaos in my life between taking finals, graduating, moving to Vegas, and now prepping my house for 13 people to be living under one roof for the holidays. It's all been very fast-paced and exciting this month, but consequently doesn't feel like we're 3 days away from my favorite day of the year!

So to fix this major issue, I decided to turn up some Christmas music and look at some old Christmas cards and photos. Remember this little gem from last year? Well, I came across some equally - if not more - awkward family photos from my childhood. You see, every year we tried our very best to capture one of me, Ashley, and Connor in our fantastic 90's Christmas attire, which was apparently way too much to ask because we have millions of mess-up pictures and hardly any decent card-worthy ones. But, 17ish years later they make for a pretty good laugh.

So today, I give you the Hartling's best Christmas card outtakes, circa 1994.

The one where Connor tries to get away.
The one with the fake smiles.
The one with the shifty-eyed, pissed-off children.
The "not ready" one.
The one with the missing sibling.
And my personal favorite. Caption it however you like.
I wonder which one we sent out that year...

Monday, December 19, 2011


Well everyone, I'm officially a college graduate! Four and a half years flew by and my graduation weekend went by in the blink of an eye. My family flew in to help me celebrate and I had a great last weekend in Boulder. I miss that city already - I definitely consider it my home. I watched it disappear in my rear view mirror as I drove away and felt so sentimental and lucky to have lived in such an amazing and beautiful place for the past 2&1/2 years.

On Thursday I went to the Communications department ceremony where I got to do the whole "walking across the stage" thing, and on Friday I did the school ceremony. It was FREEZING and windy outside - like less than 20 degrees - but I decided it would be a good time to finally (after 10 years) embrace my Colorado-ness and wear a short dress. I'm crazy, I know. 
My advisor, Kristi. She got me through a lot at CU!
Friday night we had a nice dinner with the family and a few close friends and on Saturday morning we all joined forces to pack up the last of my apartment and say our goodbyes. It was definitely an emotional experience but after a long (but beautiful) road trip I finally made it to Vegas. Now I have TONS of unpacking and getting ready for Christmas on my mind, but I'm feeling calm and excited for whatever lies ahead. And my new roommates (aka, my parents) are stoked to have me here.

Thank you for all of your love, support and encouragement.
Your kind words of wisdom and advice have meant so much to me.
I officially have a Bachelor's Degree in Communications 
with a certificate in Technology, Arts, and Media
and I'm ready to take on the world!
Hire me!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


It feels surreal to be sitting down to write this post (it's also my 400th - yay!). I guess I always knew it would come because I blog about every other important event in my life, but this one has been building up for the past 4&1/2 years and now I'm finally here today, finished with college and about to be a college graduate. The journey that I've been on these past 4 years has been unconventional, non-traditional, really hard at times, but incredibly fulfilling. When I sit here and look back to where I started compared to where I am now, some of it feels like another life entirely. But I might never appreciate another journey as much as I will this one.

Freshman Orientation.

I remember the day I signed my letter of intent to go to the University of Kansas (actually, it was in the middle of the night after some weird epiphany I had). It seemed like a no-brainer to me at the time. Get out and experience a different place, meet new people, get out of the bubble of Parker, Colorado, and take the opportunity I was given to dive in college. I loved the school, I had a fantastic recruiting trip, but right before I left I fell into a really deep depression. I was in a really, indescribably bad place. I was nursing one hell of a broken heart - and not the school girl crush kind, the real deal. I wasn't ready to leave my family, I wasn't even sure I liked diving anymore (in fact, I'm pretty sure I already hated it at this point), and I felt like I was throwing myself off a cliff into a situation I wasn't ready for. Needless to say I was freaking out. But I kept telling myself it was the right thing to do, and that I couldn't just stay in Colorado for the rest of my life waiting to be happy again. I needed to get my ass up and take a risk. So I did.

But I'll never forget these fateful words that were spoken to me by my friend Joan's mother at my high school graduation party - clearly she could see the fear in my eyes because she said to me, "This doesn't have to be permanent. If it doesn't work out or you don't like it there, you can always transfer schools." I never thought I would have the guts to do something like that, but for some reason I never forgot that piece of advice.

Krista, Brittany, and Alyssa. <3
Best team in the world. Puerto Rico.

When I first got to KU I tried really hard to bury how hopeless I was feeling, but burying it just meant sleeping every possible second I got. Long story short, I was paired with a cracked-out drug addict for a roommate who had scary withdrawals in the middle of the night and literally made my life a living hell, was REALLY out of shape and not even slightly prepared for college level athletics (read: embarrassingly throwing up the first practice), and my grades...let's just reiterate the point I made about sleeping every possible free second I had and let you do the math. Overall I was kind of a disaster. If it wasn't for Krista, Brittany, and Alyssa I definitely would not have even made it through the first semester. Those girls saved me. And with that being said, I had some really good support from the girls on the diving team as well. When I look back on it now, I think highly of that first year because it was filled with challenges and lessons about myself and how much I could emotionally handle, and it really showed me that it's possible to meet people who can get you through some insanely tough days. I owe those girls a lot.

After that first year I did some serious re-evaluating of where I was at with the help of Cory and my Aunt Glenna. It was an incredibly hard decision to make but I decided it was time to retire from my 12 year run with diving. That first year kicked. my. ass. in ways you can't even imagine and I was suffering in other parts of my life because of it. It was hard. It was so hard. I hadn't enjoyed it for a long time and I knew I absolutely could not emotionally handle another year of it. It was difficult to tell that to my teammates who I loved and cared about so much and my coach who was always so supportive towards me, but it was the right thing for me to do and I have never regretted it. I admire college athletes who stick with it for 4 years so much because I know first hand how ridiculously hard it is, both physically and emotionally.

So I filled my new found time the next year with a job - turns out there's some really mean and hurtful people out there. I had finally gotten myself to a place where I could see the clouds opening up, and I managed to meet some people who kicked my ass back down to the ground. Needless to say, it was the start of another rough patch that was followed by some intense family problems that started to make me feel helpless again.

First my dad lost his job and I knew right away that that meant we would eventually probably have to move again, and also that we could no longer afford the ridiculous out of state tuition cost of KU. Shortly after, my little brother was hospitalized for a week with a gastrointestinal bleed after passing out in our house. He was undergoing all these procedures and I couldn't be there beside him. Not too long after that, my grandfather had a stroke and passed away sending my family into an emotional place I'd never experienced before. Right after that my dad thankfully found a job, but then had to immediately move away to Las Vegas in the midst of all this, and shortly after that my great aunt died. It seemed like it was just one thing after another - this awful chain of events, and I had to deal with it all from Kansas where I couldn't be with my family. It felt like my family was falling apart and it was too much to handle and I kept forgetting to remember that I was supposed to be a student as well. I was supposed to be having this "college experience" and this was supposed to be the most exciting time of my life but those first 2 years were two of the hardest years I've had to date.


And the advice I was given about transferring schools kept echoing in the back of my mind until I decided to apply to the University of Colorado (for the second time in my life). THAT was a process in itself, but once I was accepted I knew that it would be the best thing for me and my family to be closer to home. But do not get me wrong for one single second, I have missed my soulmates from KU every single day since I left.

When I started at CU of course things were hard at first - I mean, I had to reestablish myself in a new place half way through college. However, things started looking way up - save for my good friend Brianna suddenly passing away during the first week of school. Although that made it seem like the worst of this long chain of events was not over, the clouds finally did open up for me and I fell in love with Boulder. It's THE most beautiful place I've ever lived and has such beautiful minded people - it was the right fit for me. I started getting the best grades of my life, found the major I was passionate about studying, learned what it was like to be independent and live on my own, got to spend more time with my family, and really felt that happiness starting to come back into my life.

Boulder Flatirons.
Looking back on all of this now, it feels like my first year at KU was a completely different life. I'm finished with this crazy, thrilling, at times hard, but necessary chapter. All of my experiences, good and bad, have shaped the person I am today. I don't know where the future is going to take me, but I do know that I can handle anything it brings because I survived a crazy drug addict roommate spawn from the depths of hell, heartbreak, college athletics, multiple deaths in my family and friends, and a transfer of schools. I have managed to come out the other end a better person for it. Unlike when I first left for college, I'm ready for this next chapter. I'm ready to experience new things, get a job, meet new people. And I'm positive that it will be great.

Cheesy "senior picture" alert.

I don't want this post to seem downer, because it's really not. We all have our hardships throughout life, and the majority of mine up to this point just happened to be during my first couple years of college. But I would not change any of it for a second because I am who I am today because of these things. College has taught me more than just text books and essays and math problems that went in one ear and out the other. It taught me about how to deal with life when shit hits the fan. What it means to be a good friend, daughter, and sister. And to find and appreciate the good in everything.

I have a completely blank canvas ahead of me. I've been a student for 17 years, and now it's time to see what lies beyond the world of academics. It's scary and intimidating - and believe me, I am scared to death. But it's also exciting and thrilling. Right now I can go wherever I want, be whoever I want, and start painting a brand new picture with my life. How lucky am I?

As I was walking across campus today after my last final ever, I got really emotional.
I love this place, and I'm really gonna miss it. I'm so grateful to have had this experience.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

12 days to Christmas!

My family has a tradition every holiday. After dinner we all get together while my Uncle Mark plays the guitar and we sing our little hearts out. Mostly we sing James Taylor, John Denver, and Elton John and pretty much always manage to stay away from Christmas carols (against my will, I might add). But nevertheless, it's my favorite part about spending the holidays with my family.

This year we've convinced my uncle to add a little Mumford and Sons to the collection. And be on the lookout for a youtube video of me and my brother rocking some Tenacious D. It's coming.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

17 days to Christmas!

Today was my second to last day of school EVER and I'll be spending the evening wearing reindeer pajamas, packing some of my apartment, and listening to some classic Christmas jams - and when I say classic, that does not include Justin Bieber's Christmas album. However, it does include this song:

You're welcome.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

19 days to Christmas!

Look what came in the mail today!!!

Go ahead and call me an obsessive, crazy, repetitive, freaky weirdo all you want but I can't help it because I. AM. STOKED. There are just some Christmas classics that are absolutely necessary for maximum enjoyment of the holiday season. Charlie Brown clearly tops that list for me (along with the original cartoon version of Mr. Magoo's Christmas Carol, A Christmas Story, Love Actually, and Elf). We lost our copy of this during the big move but I ordered the shit out of it the second I realized it was gone. Now me and my Charlie Brown Christmas tree can have a Charlie Brown Christmas every single day. Jealous?

I haven't been feeling very Christmas-ey lately between finals looming over my head, the beginning stages of packing up my apartment, and a bunch of other weight that's been filling up my mind, but I must say this helps tremendously. You guys don't even understand. I will probably watch this movie every single day until Christmas.

But seriously, I will.

Sunday, December 4, 2011


 Today is my grandma's NINETIETH BIRTHDAY!

90! I'm sorry, but I think that's just incredible. And you wouldn't believe how well she is kicking it. I'm serious people, over Thanksgiving me and my brother watched her trip over something and do a completely graceful 360 pirouette to catch herself. We were so impressed we started singing "Moves Like Jagger" to her. I mean, how many 90 year old women do you know that can do that?

My grandma is so special to me, and I'm sad that I won't get to spend this Christmas with her (because even though she can still bust a move, 5 hour car rides are a little if-ey for her) but I am so happy we got to spend Thanksgiving with her this year. She really is an inspiring woman, and she has helped me through college in more ways than you can imagine. She has lived longer than anyone else in the Hartling family, EVER and I hope she has the happiest birthday on this HUGE milestone.

ps. 21 days to Christmas!!!!!!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Countdown to Christmas: 25 days!

"I never thought it was a bad little tree.
It's not bad at all, really.
Maybe it just needs a little love." -Linus

It's fitting, really. December 1st and it's been snowing all. day. long. I don't really like the snow (biggest understatement of the year) unless I'm riding it on a snowboard down a mountain, but I'll let this one slide because it works perfectly with today. So instead of sulking about how freezing I am, I decided it would be the perfect opportunity to crank up my Christmas playlist and put up my Christmas tree! For those of you who don't know (or haven't already guessed), I have a slight obsession with Charlie Brown which has just sporadically led me to order a much-too-overpriced DVD of the Peanuts holiday specials which I can't wait to get my hands on (I will make it to Tuesday. I will make it to Tuesday).

I am officially in the holiday spirit, folks! Tonight will be spent watching a Christmas movie, drinking hot chocolate, and by no means thinking about where on earth I will be 3 weeks from now. After all, it's the happiest time of year.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

I am thankful: 24

Happy Thanksgiving!

Gratitude Rolls
This is my absolute favorite time of year and I can't believe Thanksgiving is already here! I couldn't be happier to be spending it in Newbury Park with my family and celebrating all the things we are thankful for. My mom and I found this awesome little craft on Pinterest that we're going to turn into a game. Each of us will write something we're thankful for and bake it into our dinner rolls. Then we'll try to guess who wrote each one! Fun, right? It's going to be hard to choose just one thing to write down because although it's been 24 full days of thankfulness, that's nothing compared to how thankful I am for so many things in my life each and every day.

I hope you all have a wonderful holiday.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

I am thankful: 23

Today I'm thankful for finally making it to California.

6 hours later...fab.

Hartling family road trips are always...interesting, to say the least. Between stopping every 30 minutes to go to the bathroom, laying all over each other in the car, yelling at people on the road, and me pretty much always getting car sick, we somehow manage to always make the 4 hour drive from Vegas to California a 6 & 1/2 drive. We're stressful travelers but once we arrive at our destination and the delirium sets in, it all becomes pretty hilarious.

Anyways, we made it safely to our hometown in California, ate at a favorite local spot, and are settled in at a nice cozy hotel where the 4 of us get to listen to each other snore to hell all night. But I am genuinely happy that we get to spend Thanksgiving here this year, and I'm thankful that most of the family will get to be together tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

I am thankful: 22

Today I'm thankful for simple joys.

El Burrito Loco

Whether it's watching the Dancing With the Stars finale with my parents, getting a hopeful email, eating a meal you've been craving for months picking your brother up at the airport, getting a drink with a friend, or hearing a joke that makes you laugh uncontrollably even though in retrospect it wasn't really that funny, it's the little things that make me smile that I'm thankful for. Because life wouldn't be nearly as awesome if I didn't get to smile for no reason and be happy about the little things.

Monday, November 21, 2011

I am thankful: 21

Today (and everyday) I'm thankful for my friends.

The ones who support and encourage, 
and share in the best of times and the worst. 
Who have been there through childhood, the (many) awkward phases,
moody teens, and pre-adulthood.
My rock.

The ones who make me laugh by singing to me in the car,
share in millions of inside jokes (this here's my whhhife),
rush over to take care of me in times of complete crisis and utter despair,
and keep me grounded when I'm out of control.
My best friend.

The ones who don't judge me
and accept me as I am,
even if what I am is a complete mess.
My soulmate

The ones who listen and offer advice
in between each irrational vent sesh.
My confidant.

The ones that love me unconditionally
through time and distance
and who keep their promises.
My girls.

The ones who I can shoot the shit with,
be crazy, be loud, be stupid, and borderline embarrassing.
My musketeers.

And even those that aren't pictured.
Those that have made an impact on my life
will always have a special place in my heart.

I'm so thankful for you.